Pass the Peanuts 4: Mack and Sean Horror Talk



Getting a recording done for Evil Dead II continues to elude us (more on that later), but luckily we were able to get this Halloween time off-topic done. The conversation veers all over the place, but it starts with Mack’s rundown of the Halloween film series and Sean’s take on the newly-released Cult of Chucky. He also compares and contrasts the book and film versions of The Shining and we talk some horror video games. Mack delves into the Civil War book he’s reading (who cares), and then conversation veers everywhere from our college careers, politics, and even sports!

It’s no Evil Dead II, but we hope you guys enjoy this one! Our Evil Dead II review should be here sometime soon.

Pass the Peanuts 3: The Safe Place Interview



On this edition of Pass the Peanuts we had the exciting opportunity to talk to Nick Hunt, the film maker striving to put Central Florida back on the horror map with his upcoming film Safe Place, currently in pre-production. Nick tells us how he plans on making a movie that’s a game-changer in the horror genre. He also tells us how he got in touch with the legendary Lloyd Kauffman (who’ll be in the film in a cameo role) and when he expects the film to be released, and gives some great advice for the wannabe movie makers of the world. We also had a really fun conversation about horror movies in general and the Friday the 13th series in particular, along with the future of the Power Rangers and which movies are just too damn sick for comfort. We hope this talk gets you as excited for Safe Place as we are! Enjoy.

Check out Safe Place at these links; Facebook / IMDb / Twitter

Pass the Peanuts 2: MCMD Fall Preview


Despite the slight delay we hope you enjoy this off-topic omnibus episode. We do a little more digging into our dark pasts with Dragonball Evolution, Mack does his film festival round-up, Keith previews his video game still in development and expounds on his life as an amateur digital musician, and Sean previews his up-coming video game podcast currently in development, entitled The Good Soup Hotel. All that and more in another exciting(?) entry of PASS THE PEANUTS. Highlander review coming soon!

Link to Keith’s track used in our intro: Mondo-nugget – Mystic-future-alpha-formation-squad-delta-6

Pass the Peanuts 1: Mack and Sean Movie Talk

Have a surprise bonus episode! This one spent the past few months in the Mondo Vaults before it saw the light of day. It was recorded between our two Dune recording sessions back in March. We talk about a lot of fun and strange movie theater experiences we’ve had in years past, as well as the future of Twin Peaks, how much of a dick Dave Mustaine is, and tons of other fun stuff! Keith was sick and wasn’t able to make it for this one but he was with us in spirit, as he composed the awesome opening music! For more great Keith-made music, go to Keith’s SoundCloud.
Outro music by youtube genius FrankJavCee. Check him out here: Frank’s youtube and Frank’s SoundCloud

Off topic 2: Cartoon Memories

Here’s our latest off-topic episode, although it was actually recorded way back between our two Die Hard recording sessions. Unfortunately Keith wasn’t able to make it but Sean and Mack were eager to test out the show’s new microphones. In this episode we’ll be discussing our thoughts and feelings regarding cartoon shows mostly, including Rocket Power, Family Guy and South Park, as well as the video game series Kingdom Hearts. We hope you enjoy!